What's Bubbling in the Stew?
"The only thing that is ever foolish about a dream is not to act on it."
- Pat Croce

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gotta love it

I'm sitting here watching the Five Heartbeats; I'm right at the beginning when they perform Duck's song onstage. I just noticed Robert Townsend's character's pure enthusiasm for his composition. The love for it pulsing through his veins, the sheer excitement overflowing until he can't contain it anymore. That's love...when you enjoy something so much you can't help but show it.
A friend of mine and I were discussing this same topic this morning. What if you don't have that love but the energetic reaction is expected or even required? How do you muster up energy for something without seeming fake? My friend stated a principle I've heard before but had trouble putting into practice: "Fake It Til You Make It." Essentially, you slap on a smile, put on your best act, and start the show until you get where you want to be. The problem I have with faking is it seems so...fake. But apparently there's scientific proof that the more you force yourself to smile, the more natural it becomes. I suppose the same applies to faking it. So, until it comes naturally, I'll practice my faux grin and wait for my curtain call. I'm ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille!
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