What's Bubbling in the Stew?
"The only thing that is ever foolish about a dream is not to act on it."
- Pat Croce

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tick Tock

Some people have a biological clock constantly ticking away the seconds left to get married/start a family/grasp the life they imagined. Mine is counting down the time I have to make a move. I think I've been pretty clear about my feelings on the current stagnant state of my work/creative life. And while I'm not sure what the next step is, I won't make it anywhere standing still. Change, by nature, is scary. I'm a thinker, so to talk myself out of doing I can stack up the "what if's" higher than Mt. Everest. But then what? What happens when I look up, 30 years are gone, and I'm reflecting on what could have been? True, life isn't defined by a job or a location, but what you do with it. But if I'm not doing, am I living? It's time to stop contemplating everything and take a step out on faith. The only way I'll ever know is to just do it. Wish me luck!
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