What's Bubbling in the Stew?
"The only thing that is ever foolish about a dream is not to act on it."
- Pat Croce

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Game Over...?

If you're not familiar, The Game is a sitcom based on fictional professional football players and their spouses/loved ones/groupies. It premiered on the CW, then was dropped a year or so ago when the network restructured its programming (read: took off it's black shows). I and everyone else who were avid fans lamented over how abruptly it ended, just when things were getting good. But after a year's hiatus and a big push by it's aficionados, it was resurrected by BET. I was anticipating the return as much as anyone, but was supremely disappointed in the first few episodes. Instead of the fresh, unpredictable, offbeat show we all loved, it became 20x more dramatic. It went from funny semi-drama to super high melodramatic Days Of Our Lives as rich crazy people. Today's episode had some redeeming qualities of old - quirky comments from Jason Pitts, bad boy behavior of Malik Wright, and church-centered Derwin Davis came back from his stint as a confused playboy. It was a rocky start, but I still have some hope. The Game may not be over yet.
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