What's Bubbling in the Stew?
"The only thing that is ever foolish about a dream is not to act on it."
- Pat Croce

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Women vs. men

Women's sports are underrated. Or is it men's sports are overrated? I'm watching the women's college basketball final and within 10 minutes of the first half, they've made half of the men's ending score. This game is great - good shooting, good ball handling, decisive scoring, and a true battle between two excellent teams. It's a complete 180° from the debacle last night. Do you know some men's final four tickets went for $4000? Could you imagine paying 4k for that crappy game? If you paid it, I hope you enjoyed the once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'll speak for everyone watching at home and say I was glad I could turn it off. I wouldn't pay that much for a seat at the women's game either, but this goes to show anything men can do we can do better. Women vs. men? This game proves there's no contest.
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1 comment:

Rhasha'sRandomRantings said...

Agreed here was my take
Butler was like foreplay for 2 years and then I get nothing. 2 years come on son!
They both played like shit
Ana cussed all nite
Womens game much better but Indy lost again and Ana cussed like a sailor. But I think women play with more heart and soul like they have something to prove. Cant wait for summer WNBA ball.