What's Bubbling in the Stew?
"The only thing that is ever foolish about a dream is not to act on it."
- Pat Croce

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just Call Me Bob

I have this d.i.y. (do-it-yourself) problem - I think I'm Bob Vila. If you read some older blogs, you'll see I've installed a door, wall tile, and various other things around my house. Today's project is replacing the thermostat; I accidentally broke the old one that's been in our house probably since the 1980s. All the instructions say you can do it in 15 minutes or less. Actual installtion time so far is about a half an hour, as I had to stop to find the screwdrivers...then stop to find the hammer...then stop to write my blog. Hopefully, I'll finish tonight and be proud of myself (with perfectly controlled heat and air) in the morning. I'll keep you posted.

I had to extend wires, splice a few things together, and I didn't get shocked or burn my house down in the process! My heat is working great; the thermostat seems to be working well, and I have a renewed sense of capability. I'm not ready to hang my "Ms. Fix-It" shingle out, but I can tackle some other wiring projects I've been neglecting. I may write an eHow on this one...

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