What's Bubbling in the Stew?
"The only thing that is ever foolish about a dream is not to act on it."
- Pat Croce

Saturday, March 12, 2011

God is Good

Yesterday I was blessed to turn 32 years young. Amid chaos, turmoil, and natural disasters, by the grace of God, I was chosen to see another year through. Think about that. With the earthquake & tsunami in Japan, fighting around the globe, and economic strife, here I sit -family, house, car, job - intact. And if you're reading this post, most likely you have somewhere to lay your head at night. If you're complaining about gas, you probably didn't have to get your car off the roof before you put $3.50 a gallon into it. We are so blessed to be able to see what's going on - yes, in some places people don't know electricity or the internet exists. Being alive is a gift. I'm not sure what year #32 will bring, but I thank God He let me see it start. God is good - ALL the time, and ALL the time, God is good!
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