What's Bubbling in the Stew?
"The only thing that is ever foolish about a dream is not to act on it."
- Pat Croce

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hooray for DVR!

I love my DVR.  And not just DVR, but my whole fiber optics/Style channel/HGTV thing I've got happening.    You may be wondering why I'm just now getting DVR.  Well, let me provide a brief timeline so you understand:

  • 2000 - got cable TV for the first time in my life
  • 2003 - switched from cable to satellite
  • 2011 - switched to fiber optics and got a free DVR
Since my transition to fiber optics, I've been on this HGTV & Style channel kick, which is interesting for me since I have never been an HGTV fan. This is the first time I've had the Style channel so I've been watching it faithfully.  Between the two, I've got a growing collection of Designed to Sell and Clean House saved on the DVR.  And today I just figured out I can record more than one program at once, so my down time will be spent catching up on double the design insanity I missed during the week.  I'm also fond of the pause and rewind on live tv - just in case I need to go back to see if these crazy people actually had a flystrip hanging from their kitchen ceiling (unfortunately, yes they did).  Honestly, I don't know why I waited so long.  Actually, I do.  I was being cheap.  But my extra 5 bucks a month is worth it - although, before this, I just cut down my TV time to make time for things I really needed to do.  Hmmmm...maybe laziness at my fingertips isn't such a great idea.  Until proven otherwise, I'll pretend it is and keep on watching.

1 comment:

robYn! said...

i told you...its like crack!