What's Bubbling in the Stew?
"The only thing that is ever foolish about a dream is not to act on it."
- Pat Croce

Sunday, May 15, 2011

First in 2011

Apparently, black folks are still making notable "firsts" in 2011.  Mr. Bill Lester is now the only black man to have won a Grand-Am Road Racing event.  His achievement is eclipsed only by Wendell Scott, the only black man to win a NASCAR Sprint Cup race.  The first thing that came to mind when I saw the article was really?  Black people are still racking up 'firsts' in 2011?  I guess the mere 148 years after the official end of slavery hasn't been enough time to change everyone's mind about the capabilities of black people.  What else haven't African Americans done yet?  I suppose we'll find out the next time a barrier is broken.  Hopefully it'll be sooner than later.

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